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Learning About the Environment

Caring for the world around us

Learning About the Environment

14 Feb 2025
In the Sunflowers Room at Chestnut Nursery School Cottenham, we are looking closely at how we look after our environment and the importance of keeping wildlife safe. This activity was to support the children's interest with taking care of sea creatures, we have been looking closely at the story "If I Were The World".
The story explains what the waste in the water does and how it affects the animals, it also shows that polar bears can't survive without the ice.
In this activity, the children had to work together to sort out the rubbish into recycling and general waste. We engaged in open ended questions like, what will happen to the sea creatures if there is rubbish in the ocean? "They will get stuck." "There shouldn't be plastic bags in the sea."
Why do we have to look after our world? "We need to so the animals can stay happy."
The children have really enjoyed understanding the importance of our world and how we should take care of it. Each day we will implement different enrichments to support the children’s learning and for them to gain a real understanding of why we should look after the world we live in.
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