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Children's Mental Health Week

Learning the importance of well-being

Children's Mental Health Week

6 Feb 2025
This week, it's Children's Mental Health Week and the children in the Pine Room at Chestnut Nursery School St Giles have been exploring the importance of our well-being and how we can look after our mental health!
The children enjoyed exploring crystals by feeling them and looking at them using the magnifying glasses. We spoke about the different shapes and sizes, along with colours and textures. The children got to speak about how they felt whilst carrying out some yoga poses, and how they felt after doing yoga. All of the children said they felt calm and happy.
We had discussions about what we could do to feel better when we feel sad, angry or frustrated. The children suggested they could find a calm place to rest, have a cuddle, talk to a trusted grown up or even do some yoga!
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